Fritillaria uva-vulpis

Fritillaria uva-vulpis

Arum italicum 'Marmoratum'

Arum italicum 'Marmoratum'

Arum italicum

Italian Arum, Italian Lords and Ladies
ex 1.5L pots
Availability: Sold Out
Quick Overview
  • Native aroid
  • Lush green arrowhead-shaped foliage
  • Exotic inflorescence: white-green spathe and yellow spadix
  • Fully hardy
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Arum italicum, the Italian Arum is endemic to a large swathe of Europe including the UK and Eire. Together with Arum maculatum, it is one of only two aroids native to the UK. It is also probably the hardiest of the aroids ... unlike Arum maculatum, Lysichiton and Symplocarpus - all of which have the good sense not to appear until after the worst of the frosts have passed - Arum italicum will often be showing its foliage through the coldest period of winter. 

The form offered here has pale whitish-green spathes, turning darker green, a prominent pale yellow spadix and large very handsome plain green foliage with strongly defined 'horns' on its sagittate leaves that are occasionally speckled with one or two yellow-white spots. The bright orange-red berries that follow are a plus.

Arum italicum is a fabulous 'no-fuss' aroid that combines well with a number of different planting combinations in a shady jungle or woodland setting. It will slowly naturalise and creates a trouble-free yet very exotic underplanting.

Additional Information

Order Alismatales
Family Araceae
Sub-Family Aroideae
Synonyms Arisarum italicum, Arum divaricatum, Arum facchinii, Arum foetidum, Arum italicum var. concolor, Arum italicum var. facchinii, Arum italicum subsp. gaibolense, Arum italicum var. hercegovinum, Arum italicum var. immaculatum, Arum italicum var. intermedium, Arum italicum subsp. italicum, Arum italicum var. maculatum, Arum italicum subsp. majoricense, Arum italicum f. majoricense, Arum italicum var. parvulum, Arum italicum f. purpurascens, Arum italicum var. yvesii, Arum maculatum var. italicum, Arum maculatum f. parvulum, Arum majoricense, Arum modicense, Arum numidicum, Arum ponticum, Arum provinciale
Geographical Origin Europe including UK and Eire
Cultivation Prefers dappled shade. A moist rich soil
Eventual Height 40-55 cm
Eventual Spread 70 cm
Hardiness Fully hardy
Arum italicum
Italian Arum, Italian Lords and Ladies
ex 1.5L pots
Availability: Sold Out
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