Colocasia esculenta 'Burgundy Stem'
For that quintessentially tropical look, Colocasia esculenta, with its jungly 'Elephant Ear' foliage, is an essential component. It is one of the world's staple food crops and its cultivation preceeded the cultivation of both rice and wheat. 'Burgundy Stem' is a clone with a medium-large stature and pinkish-purple stems. Although mainly grown in the exotic garden for its ornamental foliage it also freely produces tall, typically aroid-looking, yellow-spathed inflorescences during the summer months. During the growing season it thrives in full sun and heat with plenty of regular water. In its native tropics, it is often found naturalised along riverbanks and watercourses. It is relatively easy to grow in the UK during the summer months. During the winter, it is best lifted, potted up and kept indoors under glass and fleece, ensuring it is kept dry and frost-free. All watering should stop by mid-October through to the Spring to ensure the tubers don't rot. It is relatively usual for the oldest tuber to rot leaving several new side offsets to grow for the next season. In Spring, depending on the weather, a gentle watering regime can be gradually introduced. Erring on the dry side is sensible until new growth is noticed. The introduction of heat at this stage will induce rapid growth.
Additional Information
Order | Alismatales |
Family | Araceae |
Sub-Family | Aroideae |
Synonyms | Colocasia acris, Colocasia antiquorum, Colocasia antiquorum var. acris, Colocasia antiquorum var. aquatilis, Colocasia antiquorum var. esculenta, Colocasia antiquorum var. euchlora, Colocasia antiquorum var. fontanesii, Colocasia antiquorum var. globulifera, Colocasia antiquorum var. illustris, Colocasia antiquorum var. nymphaeifolia, Colocasia antiquorum var. typica, Colocasia esculenta var. acris, Colocasia esculenta var. aquatilis, Colocasia esculenta var. esculenta, Colocasia esculenta var. fontanesii, Colocasia esculenta var. globulifera, Colocasia esculenta var. illustris, Colocasia esculenta var. typica, Colocasia esculenta var. euchlora, Colocasia euchlora, Colocasia fontanesii, Colocasia himalensis, Colocasia nymphaeifolia, Colocasia peregrina, Colocasia vulgaris, Alocasia dussii, Alocasia illustris, Arum chinense, Arum colocasia, Arum colocasioides, Arum esculentum, Arum nymphaeifolium, Arum peltatum, Caladium acre, Caladium colocasia, Caladium esculentum, Caladium nymphaeaefolium, Caladium violaceum, Calla gaby |
Geographical Origin | Worldwide throughout the tropics, probably originating in Eastern India and the region between Myanmar and Bangladesh |
Cultivation | Warm sunny position with ample water in the summer. Lift the tubers for storage over winter or pot up and keep dry |
Eventual Height | 60-120 cm |
Eventual Spread | Clumping to 1m |
Hardiness | Tender |