Equisetum hyemale

Equisetum hyemale

Woodwardia fimbriata

Woodwardia fimbriata

Adiantum pedatum 'Imbricatum'

Western Maidenhair Fern, Five-Fingered Fern
ex 2L pot
Availability: Sold Out
Quick Overview
  • Hardy Adiantum
  • Highly attractive exquisitely-shaped foliage
  • Black stipes
  • Humus-rich moist soil in shade or indoors
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Adiantum pedatum 'Imbricatum' is a short-stemmed cultivar of the Western Maidenhair Fern or Five-Fingered Fern. It is extremely hardy in a genus not known for its hardiness and is one of the most exquisite of all the small hardy ferns. The fronds are arranged in a wide hand-like shape with long fingers with jet black stipes and rachises. Each of the pinnae are divided into delicate fan-shaped pinnules that create an elegant umbrella-like effect.

Adiantum pedatum 'Imbricatum' likes a moist but well-drained fertile humus-rich soil and a shaded aspect. It is at home in a dense overhanging understory or clinging to a sheltered vertical rock face where the arcs of its delicate curves and elegant shape can best display themselves. It is not a fern to expose to full sun or allow to dry out although it will recover soon enough if watered well.

Adiantum pedatum 'Imbricatum' slowly forms a low showy colony, creeping by its stoloniferous roots to create a desirable forest of ferny fronds.

Additional Information

Order Polypodiales
Family Pteridaceae
Sub-Family Vittarioideae
Synonyms Adiantum pedatum var. aleuticum, Adiantum pedatum f. billingsae, Adiantum pedatum var. kamtschaticum, Adiantum pedatum f. laciniatum, Adiantum pedatum subsp. pedatum, Adiantum pedatum var. pedatum, Adiantum pedatum f. pedatum
Geographical Origin Northrn America, Asia
Cultivation Damp shade. Humus-rich well-drained acidic soil. Appreciates a mulch to retain moisture
Eventual Height 30cm
Eventual Spread 40cm
Hardiness Fully hardy. Deciduous
Adiantum pedatum 'Imbricatum'
Western Maidenhair Fern, Five-Fingered Fern
ex 2L pot
Availability: Sold Out
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