Cumulopuntia subterranea subsp. pulcherrima

Cumulopuntia subterranea subsp. pulcherrima

Lophocereus marginatus

Lophocereus marginatus

Parodia warisii

ex 1L pots
Availability: In stock
Quick Overview
  • Distinctive medium-sized clumping barrel cactus
  • Deep ribs and attractive softish golden spines
  • Yellow flowers in summer
  • Perfect drainage, no water in winter
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Parodia warisii is a medium-sized clumping cactus from Rio Grande do Sul in southern Brazil where it grows on cliff faces and rock ledges amongst low undergrowth at around 800-1000 metres altitude. Over time the main stems become tall and cylindical to about 60cm. It is very similar in shape and habit to Parodia magnifica but is distinctive from it and usually distinguishable. Its spines are more golden than Parodia magnifica and it has a greener body where the stems of Parodia magnifica are glaucous-green. The aureolae on the ribs of Parodia warisii are also slightly less close together than Parodia magnifica and thus form less of a continuous margin.

Parodia warisii is an easy and rewarding cactus with few demands other than a sunny warm frost-free aspect with watering and feeding during the growing season and no watering at all from October through to early March. It makes an ideal houseplant or is at home in a cool glasshouse where its moderate cold-tolerance will enable it to readily overwinter in most locations or perhaps with a covering of fleece in colder places or during extreme subzero weather conditions.

Like most Parodias, Parodia warisii makes a perfect cactus gift or a present for a young and budding enthusiast to add to their collection.

Additional Information

Order Caryophyllales
Family Cactaceae
Sub-Family Cactoideae
Synonyms Eriocactus warasii, Eriocephala warasii, Notocactus magnificus var. warasii, Notocactus warasii
Geographical Origin Brazil: Rio Grande do Sul
Cultivation Sunny or partially sunny aspect indoors or in a cool glasshouse. If placed outside in the summer months, keep in the shade for several weeks to allow it to acclimatise and harden off to avoid sunburn. Water and feed in summer. No water at at all in winter
Eventual Height 30-60cm
Eventual Spread 30-60cm
Hardiness Cold tolerant but not cold hardy, it will take a few degrees of sub-zero temperatures if kept dry in a cool glasshouse. Best as a houseplant
Parodia warisii
ex 1L pots
Availability: In stock
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