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Billbergia nutans 'Variegata'

Queen's Tears, Friendship Plant
ex 9cm pot
Availability: Sold Out
Quick Overview
  • Hardy bromeliad
  • Variegated foliage
  • Epiphytic habit
  • Exquisite jewel-like flowers
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One of the easiest Bromeliads to grow, this is the variegated form of the amazingly hardy Billbergia nutans. The pale creamy yellow striping on the foliage is variable, often with entire leaves being devoid of chlorophyll and in others with one or usually several stripes. Not as reliably hardy as the usual form it is nontheless incredibly tough and will take sub-zero temperatures down to around - 9C but you should sensibly protect it with fleece long before it gets that low.

Billbergia nutans 'Variegata' makes an ideal epiphyte in the crooks of branches or the petioles of palms where its small root sytsem can be easily installed. Although it doesn't require vast amounts of water, care should be taken to see that it doesn't dry out during the summer, particularly if it is grown as an epiphyte.

The flowers are the same as the non-variegated form: exquisite bracts of soft pink with small delicate pendulous flowers of green and metallic blue with dangling yellow anthers.

Highly recommended.

Additional Information

Order Poales
Family Bromeliaceae
Sub-Family Bromelioideae
Synonyms Billbergia linearifolia, Billbergia minuta, Billbergia nutans var. nutana, Billbergia nutans var. striata
Geographical Origin Naturally-occuring variegated cultivar: the type species is from Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina
Cultivation Partial shade. Plants turn pinkish with too much sun. Keep moist in the summer, although they don't need huge amounts of water as they have a small root system
Eventual Height 40 cm
Eventual Spread 20 cm
Hardiness Even these variegated cultivars are very hardy, surviving down to around -9 C but you should fleece them long before temperatures get that low
Billbergia nutans 'Variegata'
Queen's Tears, Friendship Plant
ex 9cm pot
Availability: Sold Out
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