Fargesia murieliae

Fargesia murieliae

× Phyllosasa tranquillans 'Shiroshima'

× Phyllosasa tranquillans 'Shiroshima'

Pseudosasa japonica

Arrow Bamboo, Japanese Arrow Bamboo, Metake, Yadake
ex 2L pots - strong chunky plants
Availability: In stock
Quick Overview
  • Tough, vigourous, ornamental bamboo
  • Fully hardy
  • Large jungly-foliage
  • Quick-growing, tall, thin culms
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Pseudosasa japonica, Arrow Bamboo, is a robust and vigourous bamboo from Japan and Korea, readily capable of surviving British winters. A tough and hardy bamboo, Pseudosasa japonica also has an exotic and lush jungly feel with its tall thin straight-growing culms and large attractive foliage. A strong-growing species, it is best grown in a sizeable container or in a large area where its eventual and inevitable spread will not be a problem. A root-barrier membrane will probably be needed in other areas.

Although some thought and care needs to be exercised with positioning Pseudosasa japonica, it is an attractive and very exotic-looking bamboo which lends itself well to jungle plantings. Its lush large leaves and tough disposition are a great combination in the right location.

Additional Information

Order Poales
Family Poaceae
Sub-Family Bambusoideae
Synonyms Arundinaria japonica, Arundinaria matake, Arundinaria metake, Arundinaria usawae, Bambusa japonica, Bambusa mete, Pleioblastus usawae, Pseudosasa japonica f. akebono, Pseudosasa japonica f. akebonosuzi, Pseudosasa japonica f. flavovariegata, Pseudosasa japonica var. flavovariegata, Pseudosasa japonica var. purpurascens, Pseudosasa japonica var. tsutsumiana, Pseudosasa japonica var. usawae, Pseudosasa japonica f. variegata, Pseudosasa usawae, Sasa japonica, Yadakeya japonica
Geographical Origin Japan, Korea
Cultivation Keep moist. Partial shade or shade but will tolerate full sun. Remove culm sheaths if they begin to look untidy
Eventual Height 5 m-6 m
Eventual Spread Spreading 5m
Hardiness Fully hardy
Pseudosasa japonica
Arrow Bamboo, Japanese Arrow Bamboo, Metake, Yadake
ex 2L pots - strong chunky plants
Availability: In stock
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