Zantedeschia rehmannii
Zantedeschia rehmannii, Pink Arum Lily is an unusual and rarely encountered Zantedeschia that has an elongated tightly-rolled spathe that is more tubular than other Zantedeschias and tall erect lanceolate leaves that are unlike the usual sagittate foliage found on other Zantedeschia species. These two characteristics set it apart from other Zantesdeschias and it is thus very easy to distinguish it from any of the pink-flowering cultivars of Zantedeschia aethiopica like Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Pink Mist' or Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Kiwi Blush'. The colour of the spathe - although variable - is also usually pinker than these Zantedechia aethiopica cultivars. And unlike Zantedeschia albomaculata or Zantedeschia elliottianna or Zantedeschia aethiopica 'White Giant' the foliage is without maculation.
Zantedeschia rehmannii is reasonably cold-tolerant but is herbaceous and its growth dies down in autumn and the tubers are dormant through winter until late March or - more usually - early April. As it requires good drainage it is therefore better suited to container culture rather than planting directly in the garden as the pot can then be lifted into a cool dry place for the winter. It doesn't have to be put in a glasshouse; a shed or garage is fine until March when watering can be begun again. If it is planted directly in the garden, it will require a very free-draining substrate ideally in an area that is sheltered and stays as dry as possible through the typically wet UK winter. Of course, the tubers can also be lifted for the winter and stored indoors.
Zantedeschia rehmannii is an easy an rewarding species that should be grown more often.
Additional Information
Order | Alismatales |
Family | Araceae |
Sub-Family | Aroideae |
Synonyms | Richardia lehmannii, Richardia rehmannii, Zantedeschia stehmannii |
Geographical Origin | South Africa, Eswatini, Mozambique |
Cultivation | Full sun. Perfect drainage. Must have a sandy free-draining substrate, Stop all watering once the flowers and foliage start to die down. Ideal for container cuture and kept dry for the winter |
Eventual Height | 50cm |
Eventual Spread | 40cm |
Hardiness | Cold tolerant bulbous herbaceous perennial. Not full hardy. Best grown in a container and brought in under cover during winter to keep it both warm and dry |