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Amorphophallus albus

Dwarf White Voodoo Lily, White Voodoo Lily
Good sized tubers
Availability: In stock
Regular Price £9.99 Special Price £6.99
Quick Overview
  • Hardy Amorphophallus
  • Creamy green spathe and pale yellow spadix
  • Umbrella-like foliage
  • Well drained yet fertile substrate
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Amorphophallus albus, Dwarf White Voodoo Lily is another of the small group of temperate Amophophallus in a genus of predominantly tropical species. For that reason, it is a prized addition to any collection offering the grower a no-fuss plant than can be nurtured to flowering-size without all the heating required for the tropical species. A relatively small-sized plant with the typical umbrella foliage it has an eccentric shaped inflorescence with a pale creamy-green spathe and a prominent creamy-yellow or sometimes green spadix.

Amorphophallus albus freely produces many offsets sending out rhizomatous stolons that will quickly form a large clump. It does well in a cool unheated glasshouse under netting or can be placed outside in a woodland or jungle setting where it can benefit from the overhang of larger plants. Humidity during the summer growing season and a warm mulch of bark are important. As with all the Aroids, attention to providing a free-draining yet fertile substrate is key to success.

Additional Information

Order Alismatales
Family Araceae
Sub-Family Aroideae
Geographical Origin China: S. Sichuan, NE. Yunnan
Cultivation Shade or partial shade. Avoid full sun. Warm humid atmosphere in summer. Fertile, well-drained substrate. Stop watering as the foliage dies down in autumn and keep completely dry during winter dormancy
Eventual Height 40-50cm
Eventual Spread 30-40cm, clumping wider
Hardiness Tubers are hardy in the UK providing the drainage is good to ensure they don't rot. A thick bark mulch is sensible. Grow under glass the first year then plant out resultant offsets in following years
Amorphophallus albus
Dwarf White Voodoo Lily, White Voodoo Lily
Good sized tubers
Availability: In stock
Regular Price £9.99 Special Price £6.99
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