Agave toumeyana

Toumey's Agave, Toumey's Century Plant
ex 3L pots
Availability: Sold Out
Quick Overview
  • Small plant ideal for pot culture
  • Clustering habit
  • White filifers
  • Hardy outdoors to at least -12C if kept dry
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Agave toumeyana, Toumey's Agave, is a small-growing freely-offsetting Agave from central Arizona that forms dense clumps of rosettes with tall thick leaves that have no marginal spines but curling white thread-like filifers. White bud imprints are left on the upper and lower surfaces as the rosette unfolds. Growing to about 30cm high, Agave toumeyana is highly ornamental and ideal for pot culture but it is also a very tough Agave, found growing to about 1700m in its natural habitat, and is capable of withstanding sub-zero temperatures down to about -12C if kept dry during the winter. If planted outside, its relative small size makes it easy to construct a simple rain-shelter during the wettest of the winter weather.

Agave toumeyana was first described by William Trelease in 1920 during the period when he was Professor of Botany and head of department at the University of Illinois, from a specimen that was collected by James Toumey in the Pinaleño Mountains in south-central Arizona.

A choice collector's Agave, not often available. Recommended.

Additional Information

Order Asparagales
Family Asparagaceae
Sub-Family Agavoideae
Synonyms Agave toumeyana var. toumeyana
Geographical Origin USA: Central Arizona
Cultivation Full sun. Dry. A very free draining alkaline substrate with additional sand, grit and shingle
Eventual Height 10-15cm. Flower spike to 2m
Eventual Spread 20-30cm
Hardiness Down to about -12C in well-drained substrate. Cover with fleece. Its small size means making a rain-shelter is relatively easy. An upturned plastic bottle is ideal while it is small. Can also be grown in a container and brought indoors
Agave toumeyana
Toumey's Agave, Toumey's Century Plant
ex 3L pots
Availability: Sold Out
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