Persea americana 'Fuerte'

Persea americana 'Fuerte'

Agave horrida ssp horrida

Agave horrida ssp horrida

Achimenes mexicana

ex 10cm pots
Availability: Sold Out
Quick Overview
  • Purplish-blue trumpet shaped flowers
  • Ideal indoors and in an indoors hanging container
  • Keep moist throughout the growing season
  • Keep dry during winter dormancy
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Achimenes mexicana is a beautiful and easy member of the Gesneriad family that grows from curious elongated scaly rhizomes and is active during the spring and summer followed by a dormancy during winter. It has gorgeous blue-purple flowers with a white throat. They are funnel-shaped and the colour is quite hard to capture photographically as in different lights they appear to oscillate between purple-blue and blue-purple. 

Achimenes mexicana is tender in the UK and needs to be kept indoors in an indirectly lit space. They can be kept outdoors during the summer in the shade but in all cases they must be well watered and not allowed to dry out. In autumn the foliage starts to die down for their dormancy and they should be kept dryish in their pots for the following season. They are ideal on a tabletop or in hanging containers but extra care needs to be taken if in hanging containers to ensure they stay moist. A regular feed with potassium-rich liquid fertiliser (tomato food) does wonders.

Additional Information

Order Lamiales
Family Gesneriaceae
Synonyms Achimenes chirita, Achimenes scheeri, Dicyrta mexicana, Scheeria mexicana,
Geographical Origin NE Mexico
Cultivation Indirect light. Avoid full sun. Keep moist and well-fed dring spring and summer. Keep dry (or very slightly moist) during the winter dormancy. Ideal indoors. If used in a hanging container make sure it doesn't dry out
Eventual Height 20cm
Eventual Spread 20cm
Hardiness Tender. Indoors only in winter
Achimenes mexicana
ex 10cm pots
Availability: Sold Out
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